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We are always in the midst of change and innovation, experiencing the storms and bathing in the sun. Reform and opening up and economic globalization have created a vast space for us to exert our ambitions, enabling us to continuously accumulate energy and provide advanced products and professional services to more countries and people around the world.

Chiteng has grown from an integrated management company to a modern enterprise with industry influence. The rapid development of Chiteng stems from the wisdom and efforts of all employees, thanks to the love and trust of our partners and customers at home and abroad. It is our duty to return investors, return customers, reward employees, and return to society with the fruits of development.

In the future, both China and the world will enter a new period of development along with the technological revolution, industrial integration, and global competition. The development of Chiteng will also face greater opportunities and challenges. To this end, we will continue to adhere to the core values of “joining peers, innovation and win-win”, and strive to promote the construction of core content with value, innovation, green, responsibility and happiness, and take the road of quality development to “world-class”. The enterprise is moving forward.